2 times a car crash might lead to drug charges

On Behalf of | Aug 29, 2024 | Drug Charges |

Car crashes can lead to a surprising assortment of different consequences. Some people even end up facing criminal charges after their involvement in a motor vehicle collision.

Drug charges, for example, can sometimes be the ultimate result of a motor vehicle collision. There are many different reasons why someone involved in a wreck might end up facing criminal allegations later. However, there are two particular scenarios that might result in drug charges against a driver involved in a collision.

An injury that causes substantial pain

Car crashes are one of the leading causes of severe injury. People can have medical consequences ranging from limb loss to whiplash. When they seek out medical treatment for their injuries, a doctor may prescribe narcotic pain relievers. These medications are potent and very effective at helping control pain. However, they also have a strong association with substance abuse disorders and criminal prosecution.

After a doctor ends someone’s treatment, they may still have painful symptoms. Individuals who continue seeking out medication on the unregulated market may eventually face criminal charges if they get caught buying prescription drugs from an unregulated source or possessing them without a current recommendation from a physician.

Prescribed medication in a driver’s bloodstream

People may not realize that it is illegal to drive after taking certain medications. The longer someone has been on a medication, the more acclimated they become to its effect on their body. People sometimes take for granted that they can drive safely on a medication that is technically considered dangerous to use before driving.

People might drive after taking muscle relaxants or prescription pain relievers because they take them every day. Even if they insist that the medication did not affect their performance at the wheel, a police officer may view the situation differently.

People taking legally-prescribed medications are at risk of prosecution if they are under the influence of certain drugs while driving. A crash may bring their medicated operation of a vehicle to the attention of law enforcement authorities. Yet, not everyone accused of a drug crime is a danger to society or someone abusing prohibited drugs. Realizing that prescription medication can lead to criminal charges can help people make sense of and better respond to pending criminal accusations.


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