Inmates might be relieved of their child support obligations

On Behalf of | Jun 2, 2017 | Family Law |

Demanding that a prison inmate continues to make child support payments when he or she has no way to earn an income might not make sense. The child support payments could add up over the months and years to become an insurmountable debt barrier to the inmate’s reintegration back into society after confinement.

In answer to this dilemma, the Louisiana House passed a new piece of legislation in May. If it passes the Senate and becomes law, the proposed rule intends to help inmates reintegrate without financial debt burdens. Proponents believe that it would prevent many inmates from falling intp a life of financial struggles which could lead to crime after prison. It may also help inmates feel a sense of fair treatment by society, so that they are not immediately at odds with it when they’re released.

The bill, however, is not without controversy. Many opponents of the legislation say that lawmakers are honoring the financial interests of criminals rather than the interests of innocent children who will suffer without financial support as a result of the legislation. The opponents seem to make valid points. One politician stated that the legislation is saying that children are not the community’s priority.

The legislation could serve to deprive many single parents — who struggling to raise their children alone — of the vital financial support that child support offers. Also, it’s important to note that the new law has not passed the Senate yet, and it has not been signed by our governor.

Have new laws affected your right to receive child support payments? Is your ex failing to meet his or her court-ordered child support obligations? A Louisiana family law attorney can advise you of your legal rights and options under the current laws.

Source:, “Bill to suspend child support for inmates clears House in another victory for prison reform proponents,” Rebekah Allen, June 01, 2017


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