If you are going through a divorce and your Louisiana spouse is creating a great deal of conflict, this can add a number of significant challenges to the process. This is often referred to as a toxic divorce, and it is usually a one-sided situation in which one...
Family Law
What happens if you out-earned your spouse?
Louisiana is a community property state, which means that each spouse is entitled to half of the assets accrued during the marriage. Joint debts are also typically split in a 50/50 manner when a marriage comes to an end. An asset is generally considered to be a...
Weighing the pros and cons of divorce
Divorce is a difficult process that many Louisiana couples go through every year. Challenging emotions and frustrating legal obligations accompany the end of a marriage. People considering a divorce will want to weigh the benefits and disadvantages before they start....
Is a revocable trust or a prenuptial agreement better?
Couples usually don't enter a marriage with the intention of getting divorced, yet approximately 50% of those who tie the knot will split someday. How do you protect yourself if you enter a marriage in Louisiana with considerable personal assets? What is a revocable...
What should we do with the family home when divorcing?
Getting divorced in Louisiana can be a long and stressful process. One of the most significant stressors is deciding what to do with the family home, especially if you have children. The family home is filled with memories; thus, choosing what to do with it can be...
Negative comments about the other parent can impact child custody
In Louisiana, getting divorced can be difficult and people could let lingering animosity affect them in various ways. One situation is if a parent “bad mouths” the other parent in a child custody dispute. How will bad mouthing the other parent be viewed? Making...
Single dads can maintain strong bonds with their children
For single dads in Louisiana, it can be challenging to maintain a strong relationship with their children. However, it is necessary for the well-being of children. Here are four suggestions single dads can use to build strong bonds with their kids. Be positive It is...
How does Louisiana handle marital property?
Louisiana typically defaults to a 50/50 split of marital property because it's a community property state. There are a few exceptions to a 50/50 division. Prenuptial or postnuptial agreement The court approves most prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. A prenuptial...
Tips for helping children with a tough divorce in Louisiana
Divorce is tough on everyone involved, but it can be especially difficult for children. If you are a parent going through a divorce in Louisiana, it is important to remember to put your child first and help them through this difficult time. Here are some tips for...
Why is it important to establish legal paternity?
Legal paternity is not automatic as some families in Louisiana will discover. However, it is important for both parents and children for fathers to establish legal paternity as there are many benefits it can provide to everyone involved. How is paternity established?...