New Louisiana law lets some inmates stop paying child support

On Behalf of | Jun 30, 2017 | Divorce |

A new law in Louisiana could leave some parents wondering how they will pay for raising their children.

Part of the criminal justice reform package supported by Gov. John Bel Edwards, parents in jail for more than 180 days will have their child support payments suspended. One caveat, though, is that the parent must not be in jail for being behind on child support or for domestic violence.

According to one divorce attorney, this law will help keep parents who have been incarcerated for many years and who are told they have to pay thousands in child support from committing another crime in order to catch up on their payments.

For two woman who will be raising their respective children without any help from the other parent, the law seems to reward bad behavior. One of them said that her children don’t quit eating or needing to be cared for. Both women have exes who have spent time in prison and feel like the law will encourage some parents to break the law so they don’t have to pay child support.

While the law won’t be in effect until 2019, the custodial parent or the child can file a petition for the amount of child support that is due when the other parent is released from jail.

Child support is meant to assist the custodial parent with the expenses related to raising a child. For many parents, it’s going to be difficult without the extra money each month to help out. An attorney can help you learn more about this new law and what it will mean for many Louisiana parents.

Source:, “Inmates free from paying child support in Louisiana,” Shellie Sylvestri, June 22, 2017


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