President Joe Biden issued an executive order for reforming the criminal justice system in the U.S. This is one of the first steps in repairing a system that needs significant improvement. Juvenile activists are trying to remain hopeful about the executive order but...
Month: March 2021
Some important minor’s rights in juvenile detention
Throughout the nation, jails and prisons have rules to follow. However, the exact rules differ from location to location. With that in mind, there can be differences between what's important in jail compared to a juvenile detention center. In juvenile detention...
Is it important to cross-examine an eyewitness?
When a criminal case goes to trial, the jury must evaluate eyewitnesses. Jury members may accept what a witness has to say, but they are free to reject that testimony, too. In Louisiana criminal law, it's important to cross-examine eyewitnesses because their testimony...
Do minors get sent to jail?
In the state of Louisiana, minors can be charged as adults in certain circumstances. Minors who are convicted of crimes are typically sent to juvenile facilities until they reach the age of majority. Let's take a look at the factors that may determine if someone who...